Refund Policy

Exam Engine is created for professionals so that they can reach success. Our practice tests are created with the utmost expertise and research. Giving the test on a regular basis will definitely help you in understanding the question patterns of your main certification examination and get you through it successfully.

Refund Policies:

  • If you made an investment in some practice test that is not exactly fruitful for your certification, we help you in getting another set of practice tests with your money. You won’t have to invest extra money for that.
  • For organizations, if they are not getting some features they were promised to, we either reimburse the amount for that particular service or come up with some ways to balance it with mutual understanding.

When the refund policy is not applicable:

  • Since the Exam Engine is completely a test platform, we do not take responsibility for your lack of attentiveness.
  • You can schedule your exam at your convenient time, but if you miss your exam even after scheduling, we do not guarantee you a refund or a re-examination.