Privacy Policy

Our Policy

Basic Privacy Policies:

We assure you that your information will be safe with us and will not be shared with any third party. Although, once you share your basic details (Like mail id, phone number, etc), Exam Engine will be allowed to send you:

  • Email Updates
  • Promotional Emails
  • Text messages
  • Push notifications
  • WhatsApp Messages

Data collected automatically

Some data is collected by us automatically once you gain access to the Website. This particular data is collected with the help of the server log files and tracking technologies. It is related to your account and genuinely stored by us. This data largely includes the:

  • System Data:

    Now, the technical data is all about your computer or device, like the type of device, your IP address, type of operating system and version, different identifiers of device, language of the browser, browser, domain, and other systems data and the types of platform.

  • Usage Data:

    Now, the usage data is all about your communications with the Website, inclusive of the accessed pages, time dedicated on the pages or the Website, visited pages, different features used, your search questions, click data, date and time, and all the other data pertaining to the use of the Website.

  • Approximate Geographic Data:

    An estimated geographic location inclusive of data like country, city, and geographic coordinates is calculated in reference to your IP address.

  • Your data usage

    We take the help of your data for things such provide our Website, interact with you, issues related to troubleshooting, safeguard against criminal activities and abuse, enhance and modify our Website, examine how people go through our Website, serve individualized advertising, and as necessitated by law or requires for safety purposes and integrity.

Cookie Policies:

What are cookies?

As you'll browse the internet, you'll come across the small groups of .txt files stored by the computer browser and called “cookies.” Cookies are used for many purposes including collecting, storing, and sharing data related to your activities all over the websites including that on the Website. They also make us memorize things related to your visits to the Website, the chosen language, and also to make the site less complicated to use.

There are two types of cookies - the session cookies and persistent cookies. The session cookies expire after a very little time or say when you close the computer browser. On the other hand, the persistent cookies remain installed in that specific computer browser for a particular period. To recognize you during one browsing session such as when you log in into the Website, we take the help of session cookies. To recognize you after a long span of time such as when you plead that we keep you signed in, we take the help of the persistent cookies.

Why are cookies necessary?

To measure, improve, and deliver our products or services in several ways, we take the help of cookies and the same technologies like the pixel tags, web beacons, or local shared objects. We take the help of these cookies both when through a browser you visit our site and through our smartphone version. Taking on newly invented extra technologies, we may too collect some more data via other techniques.

Cookies are used for the below-mentioned purposes:

  • Authentication and security: Help you log in to the Website, help you take care of your security, identify, spam, recognize and fight, abuse, and other activities that ruin the agreements of the Website.
  • Preferences: to memorize the data about the system browser and your choices, to memorize your settings and other preferences made by you.
  • Analytics and research: It is to assist us in improving and understanding how people use the Website. Along with the number of analytics partners, including Google Analytics, who use cookies and related technologies to assist us in scrutinizing how users use the Website and also remembering the sites from which you appear. Those service providers may either gather the data themselves or we may open up to them. You can choose from some of these services through the instruments like the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.
  • Personalized content: to fill up the Website with more significant data and information.
  • Advertising: to help you gain more significant advertising.
  • Please look into the fact carefully that where the advertising technology is consolidated into the Website, there are chances that you may still be awarded advertising on other websites and applications, but it will not be customized to your interests.
  • You may also receive customized in-app advertisements while using the applications on the mobile. Be it Apple, IOS, Android, or the Microsoft windows, each has its own rules on how to command in-app customized advertising. You should analyze your contact or privacy settings the operator of the platform for other devices and operating systems.

Cookies privacy

You have plenty of options available to have a command over or border how we and our partners take help of the cookies:

  • Most of the browsers available accept the cookies automatically, but you can surely modify your settings in the browser to shrink cookies by seeking advice from the browser's supportive articles. If you made a decision of declining cookies, please take it into the reference that you may be unable to sign in, customize or use some communicative features in the Website.
  • Flash cookies work in a different way than the browser cookies, so in this case, your browser's cookie-management instruments may not unplug them. You can have a look into Adobe's article on managing flash cookies and website storage settings panel to learn and know more related to how to manage the flash cookies.
  • To seek the relevant data and have a control on the cookies invented and used for customized advertising from the companies which are participating, you can have a look into the consumer chosen pages for the Network Advertising Initiative And Digital Advertising Alliance to choose out from the Google Analytics display advertising or tailored Google display network advertisements, sure visit the Google Ads Settings page.

The Website uses the following types of cookies:

  • Preferences:

    Preferences are the cookies that are capable of remembering data related to the system browser and chosen settings that influence the look and behavior of the Website like the chosen language.

  • Security:

    Security is the cookies that largely assist you to get in and go through the Website; take a safeguard against the logins which are dishonest, and also assist in identifying and preventing abuse or unofficial use of the account.

  • Functional:

    Functional cookies are those that secure functional settings (such as the volume level you fixed for the video playback).

  • Session State:

    Session state cookies help you to track your communications with the Website to assist us in improving the Website and your experience in the browsing, memorizing your login details and enabling dealing with your purchases at the Website. These are firmly required for the Website to work efficiently, so if you weaken them then particular functionalities will surely break or then will not be available.

    If you want, you can fix the browser to make it attentive about attempts to keep cookies on your computer or device, you have to limit the different types of cookies you permit or decline cookies altogether. If you do this task, it will be unable for you to use some or all features of the Website and your experience may be somewhat unique or not more functional.

    Some of the third-party partners who empower particular features on our site may also take the help of the Local Storage Objects (flash cookies or LSOs) to gather and store data.