About Us

About us

Welcome to Exam Engine

Exam Engine is a one of a kind platform for professionals who have been looking forward to upskilling themselves but have no clue regarding the questions of certification examinations. It satiates the candidates’ need for exam preparation in a wholesome way.

Exam Engine adheres towards shaping candidates for their certification exams with more than XXX test paper sets that cover around XX trending technologies. It also gives the organizations an opportunity to make their entire interview process a little less complicated.


Our Journey


It all started with a thought:

“Had I had some ideas about the exam questions, it wouldn’t have been this hard to get passing marks in one go”.

This is the feedback of most candidates who have to retake a certification examination. After interacting with a handful of them, the brains behind Exam Engine thought, how about creating a platform where professionals can come just to practice their theoretical and practical learning?


Then, slowly started taking shape:

First, we brought together a group of experts who have been delivering quality training material to corporates for the past 5-6 years and have got their hands dirty by researching the question patterns and the syllabus of certifications. They created around XXX set of questions for all the certifications that make any professional a hot commodity in the job market. After publishing them on our website we started spreading the words, and Exam Engine became popular among candidates in no time.


The time virtual labs came onboard:

After our practice tests got such a huge response, we started getting requests from our candidates to come up with something that can help them to practice their practical knowledge as well. So we included some more brilliant minds in our team and introduced our virtual lab feature that helped them to do so. Soon after that, we got attention from various organizations that tied up with us to make their virtual interview process smooth like never before.


A Family of XXXX:

And after all this time, today we stand strong with a total of XXXX professionals registered with us and the community is growing by bits and pieces. Many of the registered candidates got certified successfully with the help of Exam Engine and are employed with big organizations currently.

We only pledge one thing, to keep having their back, always